Life is short, I use Python.

I try to summary the popular python packages as follows:

Number and Math

  1. sympy
  2. Sage
  3. numbers
  4. math
  5. cmath
  6. decimal
  7. fractions
  8. random
  9. statistics

Data and statistics

  1. Matplotlib
  2. seaborn
  3. numpy
  4. pandas
  5. plotly

Web Development

  1. Django
  2. FastAPI


  1. pyqt
  2. PySimpleGUI

automation script

  1. pathlib
  2. os

Machine Learning

  1. TensorFlow
  2. Scikit
  3. OpenCV
  4. streamlit

Web Scraping and Web Automation

  1. Requests
  2. Beautiful Soup
  3. Scrapy
  4. Selenium


