Quotes From Albert Einstein

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. We all know that light travels faster than sound. That’s why certain people appear bright until you hear them speak. The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education. Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school. The majority of the stupid is invincible and guaranteed for all time. The terror of their tyranny, however, is alleviated by their lack of consistency.


说明 本文从软件,互联网,区块链,安全的视角谈谈开放的重要性。 软件 软件方面看几个例子吧。 首先看一下chrome浏览器,chrome浏览器首先建


前言 历史是一面镜子。 历史是一个任人打扮的小姑娘。 “Most history is guessing, and the rest is prejudice.” 历史告诉我们过去发生什么,启示我们现在做什么,


什么是计算思维 wiki对于计算思维定义如下: Computational thinking (CT) refers to the thought processes involved in formulating problems so their solutions can be represented as computational steps and algorithms.[1]In education, CT is a set of problem-solving methods that involve expressing problems and their solutions in ways that a computer could also execute.[2]It involves automation

学会背包问题,再也不怕动态规划 0-1背包

问题描述 Given weights and values of n items, put these items in a knapsack of capacity W to get the maximum total value in the knapsack. In other words, given two integer arrays val[0..n-1] and wt[0..n-1] which represent values and weights associated with n items respectively. Also given an integer W which represents knapsack capacity, find out the maximum value subset of val[] such that sum of


GPT-3 GPT-3全称是"General Pre-trained Transformer-3",对应中文翻译为:第三代通用预训练转换器。 其wiki定义


最近地摊经济火了,火遍了朋友圈,激活了段子手。 原因 受到疫情影响,国内与国际经济都受到很大的冲击,国内企业倒闭,减薪,缩员等现象也是时有出现。


定义 第一性原理(First Principles)是指从基本原理出发进行思考和解决问题的方法。其具体含义可以概括为: 不做任何假设,客观看待问题


引子 先看一下这道数学题: 画直线经过下图中九个点,并且做到不重复经过任何一个点。 这里不是出题给大家做,只是引出话题。 下面是这个问题的答案: 这个




在知识经济与日新月异的时代,学习的重要无须多言。这个时代正在惩罚不学习和不会学习的人。 从整个知识体系上来看,如何学习属于元知识,属于基础知识


现状 疫情从武汉爆发开始,到现在全球蔓延,全球确诊超过了226万。国内广州与黑龙江有复发的态势。但是全国基本上已经控制住,防控成绩也算相当不错


生产要素 生产要素是指在生产过程中所使用的各种资源,生产要素是实现生产过程的必要条件,可以通过组合使用来创造各种产品和服务。 生产要素可以分下几


什么是学到位 学到位可以分解为四个到位: 理解到位 体系到位 融合到位 应用到位 理解到位 怎么做到理解到位? 不多说,推荐费曼学习法。 If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it


什么是系统 先看wiki的定义: A system is a group of interacting or interrelated elements that act according to a set of rules to form a unified whole. A system, surrounded and influenced by its environment, is described by its boundaries, structure and purpose and is expressed in its functioning. Systems are the subjects of study of systems theory and


定义 思考是一个多方面的认知过程,包括多种心理活动,如推理、逻辑、直觉、本能、可视化、想象、感知、解决问题和决策。 那么什么是清晰地思考呢? 在日


初识冥想 虽然以前也知道冥想,但是却没有对冥想产生什么兴趣。直到2018年去台湾遇到一个很有经历的人,先后在google,百度,阿里等公司从事


背景 首先,吃一下瑞幸的瓜,表示对作空机构的敬意: 调研机构为了证明瑞幸咖啡造假,派出92个全职和1418个兼职调查员,在全国900多家门店蹲点